2023 PHOTO GALLERY . . .
NJ LAOH Annual Famine Mass
Father Daniel Cahill celebrated the annual Famine Mass on Saturday, November 18, at Hibernian Hall in Hamilton, NJ. Many members of the NJ LAOH and their families attended the Mass and a luncheon followed. Thank you to Father Cahill for the beautiful Mass.
Tara Degree Ceremony 2023
On Sunday, November 12th, twenty (20) members of the NJ LAOH travelled to Philadelphia to attend the Tara Degree Ceremony. Thirteeen (13) members received their degrees and seven (7) were observers. Congratulations to the newly degreed ladies! Shown below are division members of Cape May, Camden, Mercer 6 and Middlesex Counties.
Congratulations to PSP Roseann Michel!
We are pleased and proud to announce that NJ LAOH Past State President, Roseann Michel, was awarded the National LAOH Life Membership at the LAOH Interim Board Meeting on November 11, 2023, in Cleveland, OH. The National Life Membership is awarded to a LAOH member who has had outstanding and distinguished service to Hibernianism. Shown from the left is National LAOH Secretary Sandi Swift, NJ LAOH PSP Roseann Michel, NJ State President Jacoba Kenna and National LAOH President Marilyn Madigan.
Burlington County LAOH Division 3 Celebrates 120th Anniversary
On July 6th Burlington County 3 "Margaret Fitzpatrick Fastow Division" celebrated their 120th Anniversary (1903 - 2023) along with family, friends, NJ LAOH State Board Officers and LAOH State Chaplain Father Dan Cahill with a luncheon on the River Lady in Toms River.
Cape May County LAOH Division 1 30th Anniversary Celebration
LAOH Division 1 President, Judy McLaughlin (left), presented the 2023 Lady Hibernian plaque to 'Tricia Collins, Division Treasurer, following the Mass and Communion Breakfast on Sunday, June 4, 2023. Cape May County LAOH Division 1 celebrated their Division's 30th Anniversary.
New Jersey LAOH State Board 2023-2025
On Saturday, May 20, 2023, the New Jersey LAOH State Board was installed at the APA Hotel in Woodbridge, NJ. Officers shown from left: Eileen Daly, State Catholic Action; Lauren Tracy, State Irish Historian; Maread Gallagher, State Vice-President; Mary Paglione, LAOH Past National President; Jacoba Kenna, State President; Marilyn Madigan, National LAOH President; Kate McGrath, State Secretary; Nancy Rhodes, State Treasurer, and Denise McInerny, State Missions & Charities. Congratulations to our new officers for 2023-2025! Also pictured is LAOH State President, Jacoba Kenna, presenting Deborah Potkay with the 2023 LAOH Humanitarian Award.
Commemoration of 1916 Easter Rising
On Easter Monday, April 10th, members of LAOH Division 1, Camden County, joined the Gloucester County AOH to celebrate the commemoration of the 1916 Easter Rising with the raising of the Irish Flag, Mass and a luncheon in National Park, NJ. Shown below from left: Pat Rossiter, Anne Marie Henry, Roseann Michel, Maread Gallagher and Maureen McDonnell.
LAOH Division 6, Mercer - Easter Bake Sale
On Good Friday, April 7th, members of LAOH Division 6, Mercer County, held a baked sale during the Lenten Fish Fry at Hibernian Hall in Hamilton Township, Mercer County. Proceeds will benefit local charities. Shown below from left: Kathy Kelly Mont, Jo Ann Adam and Helen McKnight-McNally.
LAOH NJ State Luncheon
On April 1st, LAOH Cape May County, Division 1, hosted the annual LAOH NJ State Luncheon at the Avalon Links Restaurant in Cape May Courthouse, NJ. Shown below from left are CMC LAOH Division 1 members: Recording Secretary Margie Dirkes, Holly Gibson, Financial Secretary Debbie Smith, Vice President Pat Lang, President Judy McLaughlin, Mistress-at-Arms Mary Livingstone, Catholic Action Jeanette Lamb, Irish Historian Mary Anne Finnegan-Bluhm, Treasurer Tricia Collins, Eleanor Kerr, Mary Beth Tompkins, FFAI Gerri Reed, Chaplain Kathleen Murphy and Kass Russo.
LAOH Cape May County, Division 1, Irish History Essay Contest
CMC Division President Judy McLaughlin is shown awarding Julia B., Miss North Wildwood, 1st Place in the Irish History Essay Contest in Level 2 for the Division and NJ State during the indoor parade on March 11th. Julia has won 1st place in Level 2 over the past 4 years. Lilah S. and Kaitlyn N. won Level 1 for the Division and NJ State Levels.
LAOH Cape May County, Division 1, St. Patrick's Day Celebration
The Ladies of LAOH Cape May County, Division 1, started the St. Patrick's Day Parade on March 11th with a beautiful Mass. Shown below: Judy McLaughlin and Margie Dirks led Jeanette and the rest of the Division 1 Ladies in the North Wildwood indoor parade. Margie Dirkes is shown "Mumming it up." A great time was had by all, out of the wind and rain.
LAOH "Mathair Gael" Division 10 & AOH "Joe Cahill" Division 10, 15th Annual Dinner Dance
On February 4, 2023, members of LAOH Division 10 and AOH Division 10 held their 15th Annual Dinner Dance at Mercer Oaks Golf Course in West Windsor, Mercer County, NJ. Honorees shown below: Mathair Gael Woman of the Year, Karen Platt pictured with LAOH Division 10 President Jacoba Kenna; and Hibernian of the Year, Tony Kenny pictured with AOH Division 10 President Michael Rhodes. Father Daniel Cahill celebrated Mass prior to the festivities.
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